Chicken Flu More Condition_symptoms Mormons- Did You Know What Communicable Disease Is More Common In Utah- Even More Than Flu Or Chicken Pox?

Mormons- Did you know what communicable disease is more common in Utah- even more than flu or chicken pox? - chicken flu more condition_symptoms

Chlamydia!, 5143.70 ...

Earlier this week in Utah (the heart of Mormon country) has the nation in the use of porn-STD is now a frequent run as the flu or chickenpox. People will think y'all have the things happening there, transformed.

Here is the link to the article on pornography.


gumby said...

This is probably because not many do a good job LDS parents and their children about sex education. I have had roommates in school who had a very basic knowledge of sex. Sex happens in all groups, races, age, religion, etc. No one denies, dass

EDIT: Also worth noting that all cases of chlamydia are required by law to be reported to the Ministry of Health. The flu, chicken pox, etc., have different obligations. In addition, we will dig statistics on chlamydia per head, okay? I suspect that Utah is so high on that list.

See Utah, even in the top ten. And further studies show that chlamydia is the first in many states. ... Here is another index, Utah CDC is one of the lowest in the nation's is.

You can dramatize everything you want, and it only reflects on you.

And yes, there are laws of the reports on bird flu and chicKen smallpox but first there is a vaccine against the flu and chickenpox for the incidence rates are due directly to them. In fact, chicken pox is almost extinct, if it does not even relevant. Secondly, I had the flu this winter and not go to the doctor. How many people go to the doctor for the flu? Third, says the laws are stricter for sexually transmitted diseases than other diseases.

If you have a problem with the Mormon church, the state in which the head instead of trying to sensationalism and poor reasoning to discredit him.

EDIT: Only if you want more statistics (before this post should have looked here: ... Chlamydia is the disease, especially in the United States communicale. Higher than that of influenza in chicken pox. This is not just a problem in Utah. The fact that Utah is the bottom ten states in cases of chlamydia per 100,000 says a lot more than his initial statement.

joshsy said...

Update your information about the porn thing: ...

The sheer number of college-age children and young people (by far the most populous country) contrasts with the fact that usage statistics are as in several states because of the charges in the vicinity that Utah leads the nation in a full term Porn wrong.

The study was conducted with a political agenda, and Utah is the most conservative of the nation, so is the desired outcome of what has been reported, even when compared to men who manage youth to other states, Utah, were in the middle of the road.

Of course, read the article on sexually transmitted diseases youposted and see in other areas are you in Utah less than the average found in the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

His last word is wrong.

Pinkadot said...

How does that fit into the values of the family of Mormon?

Not so. This shows that everyone is capable of testing. And I personally believe that Satan, those who already know the truth, and not those who are not seduced ...

We have been informed to stay away from pornography as a plague. But nobody is perfect. It is very sad, it is likely that the most common sexual sin in the church. Repentance is for a reason, and can be awarded.

We are not always being perfect, we are just waiting to try.

Utah is not 100% Mormon. Is not no residents free from temptation.

Guitarpi... said...

How much is it for a nit picker and dung biased flight back to your face? This happened after the comments of Gumby, Pinkadot and Phrog left.

As posters have said things very clearly, and if you want to attack the teachings of the Mormon church, and then do it. Do not take the alley to reach the front door.

arthvade... said...

Hello. Conveniently enter the fact that the proportion of the Utah Mormon reduction.

His statements have therefore no merit.

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